

Mistral 7B LLM: Run Locally with OllamaMistral 7B LLM

Photo by Chris Ried on Unsplash Mistral 7B LLM Introduction Mistral AI currently provides two types of access to Large Language Models: In this guide, we provide an overview of the Mistral 7B LLM and how to prompt with it. It also includes tips, applications, limitations, papers, and additional reading materials related to Mistral 7B


Essential PostgreSQL Best Practices for Optimal Performance

Essential Best Practices for Optimal Performance Introduction: PostgreSQL, an open-source relational database management system, has gained immense popularity for its robust features and reliability. To harness its full potential and ensure optimal performance, it’s crucial to follow best practices. In this blog post, we’ll explore key PostgreSQL best practices that can enhance efficiency, maintainability, and


Node.js best practices along with sample code

Node.js best practices along with sample code Mastering Node.js Performance: Essential Best Practices for Efficient and Scalable Apps Unlock the full potential of Node.js by mastering these essential best practices. Build efficient, scalable, and performant applications with confidence. Introduction: Here are some Node.js best practices along with sample code snippets to illustrate each practice: 1. Use


Creating a personalized career growth plan

personalized career growth plan Creating a career growth plan involves a combination of self-assessment, goal setting, skill development, networking, and continuous learning. Here’s a step-by-step plan for career growth: 1. Initiation: 2. Goal Setting: 3. Skills Development: 4. Networking: 5. Performance Metrics: 6. Seek Feedback: 7. Continuous Learning: 8. Career Path Exploration: 9. Visibility and


Software Developer Career Roadmap

The Software Developer Career Roadmap spans entry-level proficiency to leadership roles, progressing through technical mastery and strategic direction.


Quality Assurance (QA) Engineer Career Roadmap

The QA Engineer Career Roadmap evolves from foundational testing skills to leadership roles, encompassing technical expertise and strategic quality management.


Voice AI chatbots 2024: Conversation and Technology

Voice AI Chatbots 2024: Advancing Conversational Tech for immersive, intuitive interactions, driven by AI and ML.


The Node.js Best Practices List for 2024

2024 Node.js Best Practices: Optimizing performance, security, and scalability in Node.js development for efficient, robust applications.